Is your garden looking a bit dull and dreary? We’ve got some easy ways to brighten it up with some bold colour ideas. They’re all super easy and could make a big difference to your garden…

Paint the fence

These days it’s far more common to see fences painted in different colours other than your standard brown and grey. Try a bright blue or a jewelled colour that will suit all four seasons. The good thing is paint is a relatively cheap way to make a significant change and will create a fun border for your garden.

Brightly coloured plant pots

There are some fantastic companies out there that offer lots of different types of plant pots. Easiest way to bring some colour into your garden is to get a brightly coloured or patterned plant pot. Bold block colours can work really well against a painted fence, especially if you want to create a colour scheme.

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Bold, block planting

You could go for something exotic, or something classic, but there are so many varieties of plants out there! A climbing rose bush or sunflowers can make a colourful impact if you’re short on space. If you’re thinking about planting bulbs in the future, make sure you plant a good quantity (at least 6 in close proximitiy) to get a bold colourful effect.

Colourful bunting

This is a fun and creative way to put some colour into your garden, and is a lovely way to add character to garden parties and events. It’s really easy to make, so great if you’re looking for a craft project to do with your kids.

Outdoor Lighting

People tend to forget about outdoor lighting but during those warm summer nights, it’s perfect for adding a bit of colour and atmosphere to your garden. Fairy lights along your fencing and shed, or torches in your flowerbeds is a gorgeous addition!

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A fake lawn!

Of course, if your lawn is looking a bit dreary and you don’t have the time or the effort to fix it, artificial grass is a great way to inject a bit of colour into your garden. Our fake grass has the appearance of a healthy, well tended lawn with a blend of colours and a realistic thatch present for a durable lawn for year-round use.

As we approach summer, chances are you’ll want to enjoy using your garden. If the weather isn’t quite perfect it’s good to know you’ll still have a cheery looking place to relax. We hope these ideas are useful and if you’re interested in having artificial grass installed then give us a call!