Artificial grass can be used for all sorts, we’ve seen it covering furniture, walls, even on clothes. If you’re a winner of one of our pairs of grassy flip-flops you’ll know all about how versatile fake grass can be! We decided to do a bit of research and found out some of the other, more obscure ways artificial grass can be used. Let us know on social media if you’ve seen any unusual ways to use the fake stuff, or can think of any yourself!

Model villages

If you’re creating a model village or dollhouse artificial grass is great for giving it that extra bit of authentic detail. If your village is indoors it’s even more effective as it’s unlikely you’ll be able to transport turf from outside! It hardly needs maintenance, no watering or trimming, with just a brush if you’ve got heavy objects resting on it.

Reptile tanks

The benefits of artificial grass for dog owners is widely known, but it’s actually a good option for a vivarium too. Snakes and lizards respond to the bright green colour as if they are outside and it’s a very easy cleaning option. The grass lasts for a long time, even with the reptiles crawling all over it, meaning it does not need replenishing very often.

Roofs and Terraces

You might not expect to see grass four floors up but it’s certainly possible. If you live in a flat, it may be that you have a terrace area and no garden. Artificial grass can soften up these areas for more comfortable use, or make it more appealing to the eye. Corporate buildings with roof terraces have been known to use artificial grass to spruce up unsightly concrete.

Yoga mats

If you love exercising outside but the weather is a little bit unpredictable, artificial grass is great for gym and exercise areas. Or if you find the thought of exercising a bit boring, why not inject some fun and make yourself a fake grass yoga mat? Either way artificial grass can liven up all sorts of exercise tasks.

Child bedrooms

Decorating a child’s bedroom can be an opportunity to make something really impressive. If you’ve got a footie mad kid or child that loves being outdoors you can use artificial grass like carpet and make your indoor a grassy oasis.

Top Tip: If you have artificial grass installed and have any off-cuts (waste pieces) leftover from the installation, it may be that you can recycle them for use in unusual ways like a doll house, art project or even a yoga mat for your lizard!