We’re all guilty of making resolutions that don’t quite make it past January but this year could be the one that sticks. And artificial grass might be just the thing to help! If any of your new years’ resolutions resemble something of the like below, then find out how fake grass can make a difference to your 2016…

Resolution: Get the Garden Up To Scratch

Sometimes a garden can feel like that spare room you never get round to decorating, or the ugly part of the property you don’t want your guests to see. Artificial grass could be the thing to get your garden looking fab and there’s no guilt when you don’t get round to mowing the lawn! It’s a perfect surface for if you want to entertain as it looks neat and tidy all year round.

Resolution: More ‘me’ time

To quote Ferris Bueller, ‘Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.’ If you’ve got a busy lifestyle, and a list of 10000 things to do before breakfast, chances are there are a few chores you could do without. Artificial grass is the perfect way of giving yourself back some free time, with the time spent maintaining a lawn reduced dramatically.

Resolution: Get active

This is probably the most common one of the bunch! And fake grass could be the way of making sure you keep it up throughout the year. It doesn’t get muddy, it doesn’t die or thin out, and it won’t ever be too long either! It can also be easily installed indoors, so if you want to make your gym area a bit more inviting artificial grass can be a good way to do so.

Resolution: Spend more time outdoors

The benefits of fresh air are widely known and it’s a mission for many parents to get their kids to spend more time outdoors. If you want your family to live a better lifestyle then spending time in the garden could be a good way to start. With an artificial lawn, you can use it throughout the year and blow away the cobwebs with some fresh air.

If you want to make sure you keep your new years’ resolution then why not get in touch with us? Request your free samples or organise a free site survey and make 2016 a super year for you and your garden!