If you’re anything like me Father’s Day has a way of sneaking up on you and you’re always left with the agonising decision of whether your Dad would prefer a mug or a pair of socks. The truth is Dad doesn’t want another mug, and socks are probably on a par with a Homer Simpson tie. Here at Trulawn we’re all about finding ways to enjoy your garden, and spending your time outside relaxing with family and friends. So why not give your Dad a father’s day gift that combines the two? We all know fresh air is good for you so you’ll actually be doing him a favour. Here are some of our top ideas:

Be a Sporting Legend

We love golf here at Trulawn as you might have seen in our gallery pages, but you don’t have to buy a putting green to show your Dad you love him (though I’m sure he’d appreciate it if you did!). Get your Dad some new sports equipment you can use in the garden, something as small as a new football or a pair of golf gloves. Or if you’re feeling generous buy some tickets to watch his favourite team play, just make sure there’s one for you so you can go together!

Bust out the Barbecue

Maybe it’s a throwback to hunter gatherer times but there’s nothing quite like a Dad at his barbecue. The amount of love and attention can sometimes verge on the obsessive. It might be a risky option but cook your Dad a meal on the barbecue and show him just how much you’ve learnt over the years. If you want to cook an All-American barbecue have a look at our how-to guide here.

Vegetable Patch Starter Kit

Back in the day lots of men used to grow vegetables in their back gardens, with some men finding particular pride in how big their marrows could grow. These days it can be a lot of work to maintain a vegetable plot so why not buy him a starter kit you can grow in a pot or planter. Tomatoes are usually the most successful for first-triers and can be found in most garden centres. This is a great idea if you have an artificial lawn, because then you get the best of both worlds.


Don’t forget: Father’s Day is Sunday 21st June!