Festival season is upon us with the granddaddy of all festivals Glastonbury starting soon. Though a fantastic opportunity to see some live music we’ve all seen the pictures of the mud bath that can ensue when it rains. If you’re planning to attend a festival, or even organising one yourself, artificial grass can be a great option to avoid mess and ensure a good time had by all. Here are some of the ways of using artificial grass to make your experience even better.

Camp site roll out.

If you’re camping with a group of friends and you want something to sit on whilst you’re hanging out, bring along a roll of artificial grass. That way you’ll still have the feel of grass underneath you but none of the mud to contend with. Think of it like a secret picnic blanket that dries quickly and feels even softer than the real stuff!

Line your vehicle.

This is a great way to prevent your car interiors from getting ruined on the way home. Line the boot of your car with artificial grass and place all your bags and tents inside. Similarly swap car mats for grass ones to stop your floor suffering under dirty wellies. The grass catches the mud but is easily brushed out again at the end of the journey. Artificial grass can be cut to any size or shape to match your car.

Add character to your stands.

There are lots of opportunities to set up stalls and stands at festivals, and not all of them sell floral headbands. Using artificial grass can be a good way of setting yours apart from others, especially if you sell something quirky. If you want to attract visitors why not create some grassy furniture to sit on? People love novelty, especially when they’re in the festival spirit.

Soften up your stage area.

Not all festivals take place on a field. Some of them take place in the cities where hard concrete is present, or grass that is constantly in use has worn thin. Artificial grass softens up these areas for punters or makes your backstage area a little more inviting.

So if you’re planning to head off to a festival this year artificial grass might just be the thing for you. It’s soft, durable, mud free and can be used at all sorts of events!