The summer holidays are upon us which means spending a lot more time entertaining the kids.  With beautiful weather and your very own Trulawn it’s the perfect opportunity to get some fresh air and enjoy your garden at the same time. The thought of trying to entertain the kids for six solid weeks might be a little daunting so we’ve come up with ten outdoor activities to keep everyone amused:

Hula hooping. A great way of getting a little exercise, hula hooping can be ridiculous fun for young and old alike.

Treasure hunt. Come up with clues, draw a map, and make it a day’s mission. Involve the whole family to make it extra special.

Build a fort. Grab some old towels or sheets, see if you can find some boxes and let your kids’ imagination run wild. Maybe re-enact a battle and throw in a little history whilst you’re at it.

Paddling pool. If not in the summer, when can you have a paddling pool? Perfect for artificial lawns because there’s no chance of traipsing muddy footprints in afterwards.

Giant chess. Take out all the stuffiness and play a big game outside. If you’ve got enough people, why not rope in some people to stand in for pieces or make it loser’s forfeit for another game.

Giant jenga. This one is big crowd pleaser for all ages. It’s amazing how competitive some blocks of wood can make you.

Rounders. A school favourite. Best to play in a big space for ultimate batting power. Definitely remember to warm up your limbs beforehand though, it’s no fun when someone pulls a muscle!

Skittles. Go old school with skittles. Recycle some old washing up bottles blue peter style to set up this game.

Juggling. This can be something everyone can take part in. Run a competition over the summer to see who can be the best juggler in the family.

Talent Show. All the world’s a stage – even your back garden! Get your kids to come up with a play, show off their singing skills or even attempt a bit of juggling.

It can be hard to tear away the kids from the games console but it’s a lot easier when you get creative. There are activities here for all ages so the whole family can get involved. When the days are long, and the sun is shining it’s the perfect opportunity to make use of your garden. So have fun!