There was news this month that the UK’s largest builders merchant is putting 600 jobs at risk with plans to close 30 branches and 10 distribution centres.

This comes after a year of uncertainty at the company, with plumbing and heating divisions failing to produce profits as expected and the concern over the effects of the EU referendum.

It is reported that Travis Perkins has seen an almost 7% drop in share prices, reflective of the general struggle across the construction industries in the wake of Brexit.

This may be part of the overall restructuring at the company which has taken place over the last five years, which has included closing unprofitable stores and boosting those which remain strong.

Will you be affected? 

Travis Perkins are a key supplier in the artificial grass installation chain so this could come as a blow for companies who rely on sourcing materials from their local Travis Perkins branch.

Landscapers will now have to take into account potential extra distance between their job and the closest Travis Perkins should they run into a need for more materials. This may also require more planning when it comes to deliveries either coming from a greater distance, or having to travel through busy, built up urban areas.