Working through winter can be a difficult task for landscapers. Demand is generally less and there are all sorts of conditions to deal with. Have a quick think, are there any ways you might be able to make the most of the time available? We’ve got three ways to make sure you’re using your time effectively…

Three ways to make yourself more efficient:

Make the most out of the hours of daylight

Equipment like a turf cutter is a great tool to help save you time when you’re working against limited daylight hours. Getting the turf up early is much more preferable to trying to lay the lawn in dodgy lighting. Purchasing a turf cutter is also a good investment for the busy spring and summer period when you are heavily booked up and need to keep installations running along smoothly.

Other things to keep in mind: Make sure you have all your access points planned out in advance so you can dispose of the old turf in the best way possible. Knowing where your nearest agg or sand supplier is also a must if you find you’re short during the installation. And always carry a spare set of blades.

Be prepared for adverse weather

We’ve given you top tips in the past specifically designed to help you deal with tricky weather conditions. There are some steps you can take to help deal with rain like making sure you have tarpaulin or gazebo ready and available, as well as ensuring your adhesive will be easily pliable in cold weather.

Know when you have reached the limits

Sometimes it is best to postpone an installation if you cannot carry out the job due to winter weather. If it’s dark and you’re still cutting or jointing there’s a good chance you could make a mistake. It is never a good idea to rush a job and expose yourself to call backs in the future, when they could have been remedied by a arranging the installation for a different day.

These might seem pretty simple and obvious to an experienced landscaper but they’re always worth remembering! As ever we endeavor to bring you advice to make installing Trulawn grass as easy as possible.