How familiar are you installing around trees, or any obstacle really?
Recently we installed artificial grass around a tree at a school in London, a skill which comes second nature to our teams but might be more daunting to someone with less experience. It can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s not that difficult once you understand the principles.
A lot of trees will be slap bang in the middle of where you want to lay a whole piece of grass. In a lot of situations you’re usually going to have to cut into the grass from one side, and fit the grass around the trunk like a cape.
Then trim and tighten the cape to fit snugly around the tree, by cutting triangular flaps into the unwanted excess almost like you’re creating a crown. All the while adjusting it so that it is flat against the ground, but fitted against the perimeter of the tree.
Just make sure that the two sides of the grass are going to match up without any problem when joining together the line you originally cut.
But what about roots?
Does it have roots protruding out of the top soil or are the roots firmly underground? How much it is exposed might inform the way you want to install around it.

The way we typically install around a tree with exposed roots is to zig-zag timber edging following the course of the roots, then filling in the exposed roots with leftover earth from the dig out to avoid any tripping. It can be possible to install quite closely up into the roots but there is more risk of damaging the tree. And the last thing the customer probably wants is a dead tree in their lawn.
Another method might be to make a feature of the tree and create a circle around it, filling any of the gaps with loose soil or gravel.
This is just the basics but we hope it helps. If you need more in-depth advice don’t hesitate to give us a call, as we have many years experience with all sorts of installation types.