Do you remember having a climbing frame as a kid? Maybe using the trim trail at school? Play equipment can be great way of having fun, getting exercise and socialising with others.
Though you probably recall that it’s not as much as fun when you have to jump into a wet or muddy puddle because the grass around it has run thin! And that’s why a lot of people choose artificial grass as a surfacing alternative. If you’re planning to make the perfect play area for your family take a look at some of the ways artificial grass might be the perfect surface for you…
Pros of artificial grass for play areas…
- Areas have even coverage all year round
- No infill maintenance, no wood chips flying everywhere!
- No need to cut grass around tricky play equipment
- Soft surface to play on
- Option to add shockpad underneath as a safety measure
Things to consider…
- Is it play area just for kids, or will it be used by the whole family including pets? If it’s going to be used by pets too it may be worth considering a shorter artificial grass which is easier to clean. All of our grasses are soft and durable so you won’t be sacrificing one thing for another.
- How high is the play equipment? Shock pad is used as a safety measure to meet what is known as a critical fall height of between 1 -2m. If you don’t have any play equipment you might not need it!
- Is there an appropriate age group for your equipment? Although you may want your child to ‘grow’ into play equipment it may be dangerous to install equipment that is too big for them.
- Always buy play equipment that has gone through rigorous testing and safety standards
- Consider the environment you’re creating. There are different types of play equipment out there, some made of steel, some made of timber, some of both, which will fit in best in your garden?
Here are some examples…