We’re a nation of animal lovers in the UK but sometimes no amount of love can make up for the state your lawn can become when animals run wild.

Trulawn often installs artificial grass in homes where the lawn has been destroyed either by a pet or an infestation. Artificial grass is a humane way to deal with an animal issue and can make you and your pets happy.


They may be man’s best friend but they sure can make a mess of your lawn! Dogs that love to dig or kick their legs up can ruin a lawn for human use, to the extent that no amount of re-seeding can repair. Their mess can also make the grass turn colour, with brown and yellow patches covering the lawn. Our installation method involves fixing down the grass with nails so that it remains secure and dogs cannot bring it up again. It’s also extremely durable and can withstand pet paws and pet mess for many years. It’s also really easy to clean any pet mess. Just pick up any mess and wash the area with warm soapy water, and give it an extra hose down in the dry months. It may be that your lawn suffers from being patchy or waterlogged and experiences further damage due to the presence of animals, with artificial grass you can create a soft but strong environment that both you and your pet can enjoy for years to come.


It’s difficult to control the behaviour of animals you don’t own but artificial grass is a great solution. Building and construction work tends to dissuade moles from popping up in an area but the addition of a wire mesh to the ground preparation, as well the levels of aggregates can also deter their presence. It’s a humane way of dealing with an infestation but also gives your garden a beautiful makeover. Plus you get to stop tripping over all the time! If you like to read some more about how we’ve dealt with mole problems in the past you can read this.


In the autumn and winter months when rain is most common, lots of small muddy casts can be found on lawns. These are the work of earthworms who thrive in wet soil and leave often slippery mud mounds as part of their digestive process. A fully porous base is laid as part of the groundworks to make sure water drains properly, and worms don’t particularly like this as a home. If you’re constantly bringing mud in the house because of a dodgy lawn, artificial grass can eliminate that hassle.