How do you keep your garden looking perfect all year round? It’s definitely a tricky one to answer, and sounds like it might involve a lot of work. One way of keeping your garden looking good is to get artificial grass for your lawn (It looks just like the real stuff but won’t grow out or discolour!).

But there are some pesky pests that keep returning and can ruin your perfect little flowerbeds. Here are just three of the most common pests, and some of the ways you can get rid of them:


One reason your grass might not be looking so great is because you’ve got moles. They are carnivorous creatures but constant burrowing can damage plant roots and you end up with the mole hills deposited on the surface of your lawn. There is no easy way of getting rid of moles without killing them, but what if you’re against trapping? In the past we have had people come to us with a similar problem, wondering if an artificial lawn could be the answer. Generally the base of an artificial lawn is pretty undesirable for a mole to burrow through as they prefer soil to aggregate. We can also install a wire mesh to deter them from sniffing around the base in the first place!


One of the most effective ways of getting rid of foxes is to lay down the scent of a larger predator. You can actually buy pellets soaked in lion dung, which smells strongly enough to an animal but is odourless to humans!

On top of that it’s always good to remember to make sure there is no food left outside, and that you cover and empty your bins regularly. Foxes are clever scavengers so make sure to check if you’ve got any easy access holes in your fences, gates, or walls.


Slugs are the bane of a gardener’s life, and even if you’re not the type to take particular care of your plants, they can make a real eyesore of your flower beds. There are a few techniques to getting rid of slugs. A popular home remedy is to put in a ‘beer trap’; a carefully buried pot filled 2/3rds up with beer. The smell of beer is irresistible to slugs and they slime their way in and drown.

A more extreme, but organic, way of getting rid of slugs is to up the number of already existing nematodes in your soil. Nematodes are microorganisms that kill slugs by laying eggs in them and devouring from the inside (Bit gruesome!) You can buy a specific variety to add to your soil which is not harmful to humans, which will get rid of slugs for up to two months. (Always read the instructions before doing so).

We hope these ideas are helpful! I’m sure you can think of some other pests you’d like to be rid of! in lots of cases artificial grass can make a real difference to you garden, and not just for pesky pest reasons! Find out more by looking around our help and exploring our product pages.