The desire for artificial grass is growing. More and more homeowners are choosing to install the fake stuff in place of the mud-holes, patchy lawns and swampy messes ruining their gardens. But how does it look and feel after years of use?
The Daily Mail’s Robert Harding wanted to transform his garden way back in 2013 and chose Trulawn to make the change. He was so happy with the results, he wrote all about in the paper.
Initially he was baffled by his wife’s idea to switch to artificial grass but after some consideration he saw that there was quite a list of benefits…
‘more and more people are being won over to the advantages of the fake lawn. And they are considerable, particularly if you live in an urban area with a small garden and have children or pets running around over the same tiny patch of grass. If it’s in the shade, it’s soon a pallid patch of weed and, in due course, mud.
A fake lawn, on the other hand, is a hardy perennial. It doesn’t mean filthy feet charging round the house.’
He made sure to choose a company with plenty of experience…
‘In the end, we plumped for the Dutch-made Regal range from a company called Trulawn, which have done homes and schools all over the South-East. It took four men a day to heave three tons of aggregate through the house and lay it over the garden. On top of that came a layer of sand, then a permeable membrane, and finally the artificial grass’.
And was pleased with the results…
‘Three weeks in, it’s been a great success and the children love it. Even after a downpour, it dries out in no time — and even if it’s still wet, it doesn’t matter. You just hoof them out of the door and there’s no trail of filth when they return.’
Now…(3 years on)…
Recently you might have seen Trulawn mentioned again in the Daily Mail as one of our other grasses Trulawn Continental was chosen as one of their top choices for artificial grass. In the article Richard Hardman gave his thoughts on how his artificial lawn was doing, three years after having it installed…
‘Having considered my objections for at least a second, Mrs H signed up for a bogus lawn. And three years later, we have not had one regret. It looks immaculate and feels like grass, even when barefoot.
Best of all, the children can run in and out all year, kick as many balls as they like and there is still no mud’.
As you can see, the Hardmans are as happy as when they first had it installed. And it’s made a difference to the family, with the garden fit for use not just in the summer but any time they want. Trulawn artificial grass has a product guarantee against rot degradation and UV fading of 10 years, but take care of your lawn and it is expected to last between 15-20 years. That’s a lot of time playing outside!
Trulawn have installed artificial grass in thousands of homes and schools across the UK. With a current range of six grasses, there is really something for everyone. If you’re interested in starting your Trulawn journey to a mud free lawn, make sure to request your free sample pack, or request a quote today!