Having a Trulawn means no more mowing, no reseeding and no muddy patches.
With all that time saved you can think about all sorts of other things. This Autumn, why not turn your attention to the wildlife that lives in your garden? Take a look at these five simple ways to help your garden’s nature through the colder seasons.

It’s important to sweep up leaves from your Trulawn, as decaying debris can affect the drainage holes in the grass backing. However, if you have a flowerbed or other spaces surrounding your grass, rather than getting rid of them, piling leaves, sticks and dead wood will make a great little home for insects and hedgehogs.

Fat balls
Birds don’t hibernate and, as food gets scarcer, they need all the help they can get to keep their energy levels high over the colder months. Fat balls are pretty easy to make at home – just combine melted suet or lard with a mix of oats, seeds, nuts, etc, (a good ratio is about 1/3 fat to 2/3 dry mix). Once the mixture cools you can shape it as desired, even rolling them around a loop of string, then just leave them to set and hang or place in bird feeders. You can make these in advance and freeze them, just taking them out when you need them. Avoid hanging bird food directly over your Trulawn, just in case the birds decide to leave a sticky mess on the grass!

Ponds contain a huge amount of wildlife, most of it you probably can’t even see. For example, male frogs spend the Autumn hiding in the depths of a pond and breathing through their skin. However, if the water freezes over, decaying plant material may cause noxious gases which can poison the frogs. Simple methods such as floating various balls on the pond surface can help to prevent it freezing over. The key is to keep the water moving as this makes it more resistant to freezing.

It is important to keep bird tables and feeders clean. The RSPB recommends washing them regularly with a 5% disinfectant solution. If you’ve got a birdbath, make sure not to let the water go stagnant, so rinse it regularly and allow to dry before refilling with fresh water. Of course, areas frequented by birds and wildlife are bound to have droppings nearby, so try moving feeding stations (for example, once a month) to ensure that waste does not accumulate in one area. If you do find any droppings on your Trulawn simply wash them away with warm soapy water.

Providing small shelters for insects and animals can go a long way to helping wildlife over the Autumn and Winter months. Place them out of the way of heavy winds. For birds, make sure birdhouses are given a good clean before birds come to nest in them.
You could do just one of these things and end up making life easier for birds, animals and insects that live in your garden this Autumn. If you want to make your own life easier, and don’t have artificial grass yet, what are you waiting for? Get in touch or give us a call to arrange your free samples or site survey.